The new Salt Lake City International Airport opened in September 2020; the first new U.S. hub airport built in the 21st century. During the two decades of planning and six years of construction, several sustainability initiatives were implemented into the design and operations of the building. In 2021, our team was asked to conceptualize a Sustainability Display for the East end of the new Gateway Building. The goal was to present the green achievements of the airport in visual (digital and print) format for patrons and incorporate a seating area for travelers. Through several design iterations to meet the needs and vision, a custom, locally inspired three-piece furniture set was created. A custom computer script was developed to translate the high and low elevations of the Wasatch Range into the peaks and valleys of the bench seat backs. The central oval-shaped pylon holds a display case and a TV to share the airport’s initiatives and achievements. The display opened in January 2024.

High Visibility
The Gateway Building is a main thoroughfare for travelers in short-term parking, picking up a rental car, or checking in with Delta Airlines and the ideal location for a Sustainability Display to highlight the efforts and design elements of the new Salt Lake City International Airport. Two primary objectives were to display sustainability achievements in print/digital format and incorporate a seating/awaiting element.
A Welcoming Space
The design team’s shared goal was to create a welcoming and inclusive space for travelers. The seating arrangement provides both safety with seating separation and engagement with educational information.

Mirror View of the Wasatch Mountain Range
Our team developed a custom computer script to manipulate each slat of the bench to mimic the topographical map of the Salt Lake City view of the Wasatch Mountain range. Three metal rods go through the solid base with one rod inserted across the top to hold the slats together structurally.

Biophilic Element
Wood was the natural material choice for its biophilic elements, both visually and longevity. To eliminate volatile emitted gases, a water-based non-VOC polyurethane was used to seal the plywood. This sustainability display is durable enough to withstand the high use and high-traffic of an airport with low maintenance.