The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Salt Lake Temple Seismic Upgrade and Renovation
- Meetinghouses, Orem Utah and Deseret Peak Temples
- Taylorsville Utah Temple
- Orem Utah Temple
- Deseret Peak Utah Temple
- Pocatello Idaho Temple
- Tucson Arizona Temple
- Hartford Connecticut Temple
- Hong Kong Temple Study
- Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple
- Provo City Center Temple
- Provo Tabernacle Feasibility Study
- Kansas City Missouri Temple
- Brigham City Utah Temple
- Laie Hawaii Temple Remodel
- Draper Utah Temple
- Salt Lake Tabernacle Renovation
- Salt Lake Tabernacle Feasibility Study
- Harrison New York Temple (unbuilt)
- Nauvoo Illinois Temple Replacement
- Salt Lake Temple Entry Renovation
- Naples Wards
- Elks Building Stake Center
- Vernal Utah Temple
- Vernal Utah Glines Stake Center
- Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Episcopal Diocese of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Project Jubilee