Provo City Center Master Plan

    Provo City Center was designed to be the spark to accelerate the revitalization of downtown Provo. A revitalization that would be achieved by implementing smart community growth principles that encourage quality higher density development. The City Center would feature a high density of shops, offices, entertainment, restaurant, and housing all of which were designed to create a critical mass of activity to pull people downtown to live, work, and play. The forward-thinking design and programming of this project would have facilitated the site to remain vibrant virtually 24-hours a day.

    Physically the site must be about connections, movement, and synergy. This site was to be a gateway site and a transitional space that would connect quiet, single-family homes, intimate shopping, busy streets, city parks, and corporate centers. These adjacencies would require that each face of the project have a slightly different personality that will connect softly with each neighbor.