The Park City Police Department Headquarters has become a new civic influence with its elegant yet distinct Park City aesthetic appeal of stone, brick and heavy timber. The timber-framed public lobby and meeting room take advantage of mountain views to the south and west. The largely transparent facade provides a connection to the public and serves as a symbol of civic pride.
The new police facility is located along State Route 224 at the entrance to Park City. The building makes use of a 12-foot grade change from the front to the rear of the sloping site by locating public parking and access on the upper level and secure police parking and access separately on the lower level.

Sustainable Design Elements
Ground Loop Heat Exchange field for the HVAC system
Drought-resistant landscaping
Light-colored roof membranes and concrete parking lots to reduce the heat island effect
Local custom timber and steel shading devices
Managed storm-water distribution
Passive solar design
Smart site orientation
Sustainable Landscape
Landscaping with drought-tolerant grasses, tree species, and rock gardens create a 100 ft buffer zone between the main highway intersection and the building.

Meeting Park City’s Standards
Building siting and materiality was heavily influenced by the stringent planning requirements outlined in Park City’s Land Management and Zoning Codes. The overall design approach reflects these requirements. Natural local materials were used and exposed to form a structural grid composed of stone and heavy timber.
Public Lobby
The timber-framed public lobby and meeting room take advantage of the views of the mountains to the south and west and represent through their transparency, a connection to the public and a symbol of civic pride.

Community Meeting Room
The secure areas of the facility are finished in elegant solid single-color brick masonry. The two disparate types of construction were integrated by the use of heavy timber elements for window headers and shading devices around the masonry building mass.

Locally Sources Materials
Materials for the Park City Police Department Headquarters were chosen to be economically viable as well as durable, long-lasting, and elegant. Choosing materials that are available locally is a necessary part of being economically and ecologically viable.