The Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC) is a teaching campus, attended by missionaries, to increase their spirituality and learn languages in preparation to proselyte. Missionaries live on campus for a period of two weeks up to two months. Hence, the MTC maintains multiple buildings on campus including an administrative building, housing, dining, large assembly rooms, classroom buildings, a building for housing campus services (Building 2M), residential buildings, and a gymnasium/assembly building.
In 2010 the MTC started planning an expansion to the campus based on an increased demand to accommodate more missionaries. The goals established to execute the expansion were to maintain full operations during construction, and complete construction within two years.
As a partner to ZGF Architects, FFKR developed a complex phasing plan that succeeded in meeting the project goals. The phasing plan included nine phases identified as “Work Areas.” Work Area 1 included the renovation of residential buildings; this work area was further broken down into two different bid packages. Work Area 2 included the extension to the utility tunnels; this work area was further broken down into two different bid packages. Work Area 3 included the renovation to Building 2M. Work Area 4 included the renovation of the landscaping and concrete sidewalks and Work Area 5 included the construction of the three new six-story buildings and parking garage. Two additional Work Areas were included in the phasing plan (Work Area 6 and Work Area 7). However, the scope of work in those areas was not completed.
The Expansion Plan Included:
- The seismic, mechanical, plumbing, fire sprinkler, electrical, and fire alarm upgrades to six of the nine residential buildings.
- A new extension to the utility tunnels running through the middle of campus.
- Renovation of Building 2M expanding campus services while maintaining full operations.
- Renovation to all landscaping and concrete sidewalks across most of the campus.
- The construction of three new six-story buildings sitting on top of a contiguous below grade parking garage.

Provo MTC South Campus Expansion
The expansion provides nearly 200 new classrooms, group study rooms, and large assembly spaces, as well as a variety of outdoor gathering and study spaces.
Rooftop Garden
This is the largest, most formal of the many ‘council rings’ located throughout the facility.

Provo MTC South Campus Expansion
The campus is at the base of the Wasatch Front range of mountains, the buildings and outdoor spaces are all arranged to take full advantage of the beautiful views.
Classroom Wings
The light, open classrooms offer views of the mountains connection to the various outdoor study spaces.

Breakout Space
The classroom wings are connected with a series of two-level open study spaces.

The main lobby serves as entrance and anti-space for the adjacent large assembly rooms.