Though similar in massing to other kindred religious structures, the Kansas City Missouri Temple for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offers unique design and detailing. Its quality is especially apparent in the architectural precast concrete panels that clad the exterior. The panels incorporate an olive-branch motif that carries throughout the design and feature details and stepping for corners, cornices, and windows.
Situated on an east-west axis, the structure consists of three above-grade levels for patron use and a basement for mechanical systems. Abundant windows feature decorative art glass that highlights the olive-branch emblem. Landscaping is complemented by planters embedded in the precast concrete walls along the entrance plazas.

Kansas City Temple
The Kansas City Temple sits on a gentle rise on the outskirts of Kansas City, Missouri. It can be seen for miles in all directions.
Celestial Room
The Celestial Room is a comfortable and contemplative space.

Sealing Room
The Sealing Rooms of the Temple are light-filled rooms where marriages are performed.
Ordinance Room
The Ordinance Room features a beautiful mural by a local artist that captures the natural beauty of the area.

The Baptistry is in the heart of the building and features a baptismal font, a waiting area, and a beautiful curved glass railing.

Baptismal Font Detail
The baptismal font sits on the backs of twelve oxen.