Design for Jacobsen Construction’s environmental graphics focused on sharing company values, strengths, and portfolio. Their headquarter office has two entrances; one for employees and future employees and one for business visitors and construction teams. Through a series of meetings, the concept of creating a path of education was selected as the best way to tell visitor who Jacobsen Construction is. This also serves as a way to direct visitors to meeting rooms by giving them a visual point of reference. The education path has four topics – 1. Jacobsen Construction company values, 2. What We Build, 3. Where We Work, and 4. Market Sectors. Business partners entering from the east lobby are educated about Jacobsen’s values, strength, and longevity through the mission statement and images of projects and people. Employees and future employees entering from the west lobby are educated about what kinds of projects Jacobsen build’s and reinforces the company’s values.

Jacobsen Values
Visitors entering from the east lobby start the education path by learning about Jacobsen Construction values, longevity, and strength. Text is displayed using painted acrylic and vinyl letters. Images of Jacobsen’s history, projects, and people are shown on a dynamic wall display.
What We Build
The next stop on the path educates visitors on the types of buildings Jacobsen Construction builds. Twelve markets are shown on a dynamic wall display. The system was chosen to make it simple and time effective to update.

Where We Work
Jacobsen Construction has been building across the country for more than 100 years. States in green show the broad reach of their experience, and Utah is made of painted acrylic squares to represent the headquarter state.
Oak and Steel
Taking advantage of a long corridor, Jacobsen’s logo is displayed using oak and steel. This reinforces the strength of their visual brand while showcasing two building materials.

12 Market Sectors
As visitors continue along the path, they are educated further about Jacobsen Construction’s 12 market sectors. Each market is displayed using a dynamic wall design with images of highlighted projects and description text.

Jacobsen’s Strong History
The original artwork in the east lobby is meaningful to the company and an asset in telling Jacobsen’s story. Newspaper clippings, photos of employees and offices, and portraits of the Jacobsen family were reframed and arranged in the Executive Conference room.