• Jacobsen-Construction-Interior-Entry-East-Lobby

Jacobsen Construction – Environmental Graphics

Design for Jacobsen Construction’s environmental graphics focused on sharing company values, strengths, and portfolio. Their headquarter office has two entrances; one for employees and future employees and one for business visitors and construction teams. Through a series of meetings, the concept of creating a path of education was selected as the best way to tell visitor who Jacobsen Construction is. This also serves as a way to direct visitors to meeting rooms by giving them a visual point of reference. The education path has four topics – 1. Jacobsen Construction company values, 2. What We Build, 3. Where We Work, and 4. Market Sectors. Business partners entering from the east lobby are educated about Jacobsen’s values, strength, and longevity through the mission statement and images of projects and people. Employees and future employees entering from the west lobby are educated about what kinds of projects Jacobsen build’s and reinforces the company’s values.