The Quick Turnaround (QTA) facility is a concrete slab on grade structure with a second level pre-tensioned concrete deck. It was the first phase of the Salt Lake Airports Terminal Replacement Project, constructed south of the future parking garage. The QTA provides administrative spaces, car wash and fueling facilities, and stacking/short-term storage spaces. The 17 structural bays are allocated proportionally to seven rental car agencies. A repeating modular system was developed so that space allocated to each vendor could reflect current market shares. In the future, they can be reassigned as the changing markets require.

First Phase of the Redevelopment Project
The Quick Turn Around facility (QTA) is the first phase in the Salt Lake International Airport Redevelopment Project. The QTA is a 235,000 sf facility that contains 12 car washing bays, 16 fueling islands, queuing and cleaning areas for seven rental car dealers. The space is configured to allow easy redistribution of service aisles. The upper deck is engineered for vehicle staging and fleet management.
Car Maintenance Building
The three Rental Service Sites (RSS) buildings provide light maintenance and support services for the Salt Lake City Airport’s seven rental car agencies.

Fuel Islands
The fuel islands at the QTA are each equipped with both fueling pumps and vacuum lines. They are arranged so that four to five cars can be cleaned an refueled simultaneously.